
Dreamy days in west tokyo ichigo 3 years later
Dreamy days in west tokyo ichigo 3 years later

However, I don’t think I found out enough of him to decide whether I liked him as a character or not. It’s been a while since I’ve played a route in DDIWT, and since it’s one of my favorite Voltage games (I’m a sucker for childhood friends), I really wanted to like him. In all honesty, I was really looking forward to playing Koh’s route. Koh reminded me a lot of Kaoru from OTBS however, unlike Kaoru, he doesn’t open up until the end of the route, and talks a lot less and refuses to interact with anyone. Voltage pushed the “loner” image of Koh to the point that he refused to get close to any of the characters, and the entire route was just a pull and push between him and the MC. For a 16-chapter route, this makes the pacing really slow, and I had to motivate myself to get through the story. The plot in this route is severely lacking, with almost nothing happening until the last five chapters of the story. Voltage really played up the “mysterious” aspect of Koh, so throughout the story I was looking forward to getting to learn more about his character.


Koh is also surprisingly capable at everything he tries his hand at from fixing windows to mixing drinks, he gets the job done and does it well. While he is unsociable, he’s not unkind he watches out for the MC and helps her when she needs it. Despite not letting much known about him, he’s extremely perceptive of his surroundings and the people around him. He doesn’t talk much, and when he does, he’s blunt with his words and only says what’s necessary.

dreamy days in west tokyo ichigo 3 years later

While she pursues friendship with him, she starts to recall memories of a transfer student she watched the stars with from her elementary school days.

dreamy days in west tokyo ichigo 3 years later

The more she tries to get to know him, the more he pulls apart, and the MC starts to wonder why he’s so set on being by himself all the time. It’s been a few months since the mysterious new part timer Koh started working at Black Ship, and despite her attempts to befriend him, he keeps his distance from her.

Dreamy days in west tokyo ichigo 3 years later